Student registration
Login and password are for IFAC 2017 registration only. They are NOT related to your profiles. When connecting for the first time you hence should "Create a new profile".
The profile data will be stored to the system allowing to re-enter the system. This can allow to add registration items separately from the Congress registration itself, and eventually to pay these items with different bank cards. Additional items can be such as accompanying person registrations (200€ fee before 15 April 2017), papers to upload to the system, workshops and tutorials (to be announced early 2017), technical visits (to be announced early 2017), accommodation at university campus (to open early 2017), or lunches during the Congress days. Multiple connection allows also to proceed separately the data input from the effective payment.
Warning: The profile data is stored to the system only at the last “Payment" page when clicking the “Validate and Save Profile, and Go to Payment" button.